Saturday, February 28, 2015

A Face

A Face

I reach my hand out but it will not pass
It’s like it is against some glass
I want to touch you; I can see your trace
I want fingers to touch your face
Are you real is what I see
Are you now or someone to be
Will you speak and can I hear
Should I love you, should I fear
Do you dwell for my eye
Does you face only on glass lie
Is your image like a photo plate
Are you joy. Are you my fate
Are you real, or a composite of mind
Someone so new or one from behind
Will my hand ever pass beyond the glass’s trace
Will I once just touch your face




Beer is great. Beer is one of the best things in life. There is not much that I do not like about it. I like the taste and the texture, the way that if feels and the look of it. I also love the way that it smells. Beer has a way of making you feel real good and it does make you feel real close, all warm inside. Another great thing about beer is the way that the feelings of it linger for a while. It is a very good thing that we really like. Now I know that not everyone likes beer the same as me or that everyone wants that same amount of beer that I do. Each and every person is different when it comes to this. I have also heard that women do not like beer as much as men do, as a rule but I am not totally convinced about this. I think that it is not the beer or that they do not like it but more how often that they want some of it. I have learned to enjoy the finer points of beer the last few years and have found that quantity is nice but quality is better. I have also noted that the amount of beer that I desire is not what it used to be. I do not like it less just do not need as much to be happy. I also look forward to the time that I encounter beer. There is nothing bad to be said about having a good beer with the one that you love.

As life goes on things happen and as it is now I have not been able to have any beer for a while. Oh it is not mine or the fault of anyone else. It is just one of those things that we have no control over. I have thought from time to time that it maybe my fault but I have come to understand that I have done nothing wrong and there is nothing being done to me. It is just the way it is. I do miss the beer, sometimes more than others. I know that my partner misses the beer also. Sometimes I know that she feels that my having to miss the beer is her fault but I know that it is not. And I know that she misses having beer as much as me. Now, I am not addicted to or obsessed with beer, it is just something that I really liked. I really thought that I was obsessed for a while. I think that maybe I did suffer from withdrawal but I know now that was in my head. It's just one of those things that when you cannot have what you want, you want it all the more plus I was used to having beer just about whenever I wanted it.

Part of the problem is that I no longer have any control when I will have beer and I do not know from time to time when I will have any. I have had to learn to accept the fact of this loss of control. For a man, this is a hard thing to do. There are times that I just want to reach out and have some beer; I mean it is there close at hand. Sometimes the urge to have some beer is very strong. I have nothing physically wrong with me to stop me from having beer, but the situation does not lend itself to this. So I am learning to do without beer so often. I am also learning to not be as bothered by the loss as I was in the beginning. I have to admit though; sometimes this is very, very difficult.

I know that sometimes I wish that there was someone that was responsible for taking beer away from me. Think about it, if I could yell at someone or hold someone responsible for this then I could vent some of the frustration I feel about this. I could argue and deal with this "person". But unfortunately there is no one that I can find to take this out on. I know that my partner is not at fault and that she is as upset about this as I am, she cannot have beer whenever she wants either and I know that she likes beer. It is very frustrating that your partner wants beer and cannot have it. She has no one to yell at either just like I do not. Remember that beer is one of lives simple pleasures and one that is not missed until it is gone. When beer is gone or the use of it is few and far between remember you will live without it. There are things to help the feelings pass. You should do your very best to enjoy all the other things in life, and try hard not to think about the things that you cannot have. Besides, who said that you will never have beer again? Hey, man does not live by beer alone.

Now you know that I am really not talking about "beer", but something we all like even better. (If you haven't figured it out yet, take out the word "beer" and insert the word "sex").

(originaly written for my mendo website in late 90's)

Thursday, February 26, 2015



We loved them as kids, showed them off to our friends, and wanted the most beautiful or funny or… There was Flintstones, Band-aid brand and many, many more. Some kids just put them on for a conversation piece; some hated them because they became a conversation piece. Regardless of the type you were then, my bet is that you are still wearing them now. Some are just as bright and obvious now as some of them were then. The difference is that it is a smile or a laugh or a happy mask that you ware out, the one kept by the door that you place on your face before facing the public and most “friends”.
 Some are not so well seen, better hidden. Those are the “normal” looks that you place on your face, the “normal” demeanor that you project when dealing with the public and “friends”. Sometimes these aids are multi faceted, meaning more than one band-aid to cover the wounds that you have suffered.

Some of these band-aids do not even cover the wounds, and they show and leak all around the edges. Some only cover part time and allow the wound to show at the worst time to the ones that we wish not to show. And some of the band-aids just fall off. Fall off when we least expect them and we have to scramble to put it back on again before to many notice.
 As you probable have figured out, the wounds are the trauma that has been dealt to us from someone else. The leaking is not blood although it does feel that our very lives are draining out of us but instead the tears that flow at the drop of a hat. To us and to the ones that have been down this road, wearing the same shoes that we now inhabit, the wounds are gaping and ghastly, in some cases putrid and smelling of death and almost always fear. Some of the wounds are like scratches that cover our skin in its entirety causing repeated damage and encompassing pain.
 The band-aids are things like the smile we plaster on our face to “show” we are OK or the happy go lucky demeanor that we present even when dying in side; “send in the clowns.”
 That loud, in your face, attitude that we adopt to cover the pain and loss, “I am OK!” A band-aid can be what I am doing right now, writing; this is a band-aid to me although not the only one. Interaction between birds of a feather is a band-aid that soothes and comforts the soul, be it only for a little while. Some choose to use the HOUSE band-aid for comfort and not leave the confines of it. That way they do not have to worry about anyone seeing them in this “state” or trying to get them out to heal. A band-aid can become self pity and loathing thinking that this is “all my fault, I should have done something better!” 
 Finally and sadly, I have read of those that have chosen the permanent band-aid. I admit I even considered this one for a short time. Permanent band-aid is a bullet, non reversible, non refundable and non conducive to life.
 But the best band-aid that I and many have found is the “life” one, the one that allows you to once again experience life, joy and happiness. This one can be put on and it just seems to disappear as time goes by, like the dissolving stitches, just gone without notice.
 It is a beautiful band-aid, covers all, soothes all, heals all and works best with time. Sadly you cannot buy this band-aid, you have to accept it, work for it, strive it and each time you fail you have to get up and do it again for I am learning that it is the best band-aid for the continuing life and happiness that we are seeking.
 When this band-aid disappears and is gone you do not notice but do notice that you are OK and getting along well; that the pain and fear and all the other ills that you once had with that wound are mostly gone.
 Sorry, it does not seem to get rid of scars but does make them less painful.
Oh one other thing; I am not sure but I think that the band-aid of which I speak can be passed from one to another and it does not spread ill will but hope and healing.

Just my thoughts for today
And the journey continues….

Monday, February 23, 2015

Die Tomorrow

Die Tomorrow

If I were to die tomorrow
Please do not feel pain or sorrow
For with you I have learned to live
And how with love I can give
While I lay upon the cold, cold slab
I could look down upon you and the lab
And still feel the love we would had.
As I await where time has no hold
I would know why you love was so bold
And how you seemed to know from the start
What was in your own heart.
So as I lay so quiet and cold
Know that your love is the spark I hold
So when your time comes to pass
We will be together again at last.




Salted water from her eyes
Tears of joy is what she cries
These tears washing out pain so we can begin
That she will never feel pain again.

Words of love spoken by me
She turns her head so I cannot see
She still fears how I may feel
If I find out her heart I steal.

Water falling from the summer skies
Washing away all past pain and lies
Know that my heart is true
Those things of past I cannot do to you.

You’re so precious a new spring flower
Love growing each new spawned hour
Feelings running like oceans deep
Please don’t fear when you weep.

I know it now the walls are down
We’ve both lost them with smiles not frown
Your tears tonight fell upon my face
With love feelings not disgrace.

You let me feel the real you
The clouds are gone the suns come through
Beautiful lady your eyes so brown
Let the tears out or your likely to drown.

Love is like the flowers bloom
Some come early some come soon
But unlike the flower that soon to die
This we have will soar will fly.

Never fear don’t make them stay dry
I will never criticize
Tears of love are never wrong
Like words of newly written song.

Tears like tonight of joy for me
Are the ones that I hope I only see