Ah what a way to wake up in the morning. At 3am my eyes
flash open realizing I am dreaming about a woman that I do not know. She is
beautiful, she is naked, she is willing, I am ready but I cannot quite reach
her, damn it and she did not have beer! Needless to say the rest of the night
is spent tossing and turning trying to get back to that .. nether place and
find her.
My alarm goes off at 6:15 as usual, I roll over
disentangling myself from my sleeping partners legs and furry head and hit the
snooze. That buys me 10 minutes. Again that bothersome sound, one that I
programed in thinking it would sooth me awake, noope NOT today! Rolling over I
stab at the phone to get 10 more minutes of sleep. I am thinking, “who was that
woman” as I drift off again.
So ok the alarm goes off again. Even Orion is getting tired
of it and he kicks me repeatedly while he is rolling over and moving away from
me, sighs heavily and settles on the other side of the bed. I can read that
one, “get up DAD!”
Ok I am up, well kind of and I hear a text tone, squinting
at the iPhone’s little screen with my sleep filled eyes I see it is a cheery
good morning from a friend. She probable slept well and probably was not
chasing some guy in her sleep, but if so….she caught him I’m sure and had a
blast. (He probably let her.)
She says “ugh too early” and I type back “Rggt”. No that is
not some obscure code or has no hidden meaning. It’s just my clumsy sleepily
fingers trying to say “RIGHT!” Lovely, I cannot even type this morning sheesh!
Rush to the bathroom, get Ri out the door, brush, comb splash head for the
door. ‘Orion is lying on the couch back, his normal place, looking out the
window and then over at me as I reach for my keys and …… oops.. sorry buddy!..
I walk back over and give him his I am heading out to work, be back soon hug.
So far so good right? Nope! Jerking open the door and wam..
cold. Ok I get it for you folks that live up north. I lived up there before.
Livedddda.. as in past tense I now live in sunny Florida and when it is 40
degrees with the humidity of 9 zillion percent its cold! So I run back to the
bedroom and tossing my flimsy jacket on the un made bed grab the heavy one. Ya’ll
know the one that I wear at work that is blazing yellow green with the
reflector strips on it? The strips that glow in the closet at night like a
landing UFO if my phone lights up. Yeah that one and out the door I go.
I am thinking.. coffee, sit at the desk read a bit before I
have to punch in. yeah my normal morning. But nooooo not today. I see as I exit
the house that there in my carport sits my lovely white truck with a broken
wing. Yup a flat, a non-symmetrical tire, a dead wheel. She did it.. I know
it.. the dream woman’s way to get back at me..ahhhhahahahaha.
Ok so enough of that.. change the tire using the beer can size bottle
jack and the goofy three piece handle set and go to work. No reading, not
chilling over a cup.. just punch in and get at it.
I am sure the Orion thinks dads an idiot this morning and
glad I am out of the house.
So.. how was your morning?
I'm kind of hoping you were able to catch up with her later, maybe during a nap.